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  Kicks USA Martial Arts Center Website

  Student Progression







Student Info







Student Progression


When you first enter our Kicks USA school you will notice that the students are wearing different colored belts.  As a part of martial arts tradition, different colors represent levels of achievement and skill. 


Belt Promotion Procedures

Everyone begins with their White Belt.  Within a few weeks you will learn many basic self-defense techniques.  When you demonstrate proficient knowledge of specific techniques pertaining to the White Belt, you will be invited to your first Belt Evaluation and Promotion. The Belt Promotion is a special event where you are not only evaluated, but your parents, teachers, friends, and relatives are invited to witness and share in the joy of your achievement.  After demonstrating your ability to perform your belt curriculum, you will be awarded the Orange Belt.  With each color belt you will also receive a Rank Certificate as an official certification of your skill. 


Academic Achievement

At Kicks USA we value Academic Achievement.  All students 17 years of age and younger must submit an NIP (Notice of Intent to Promote) to their instructor prior to their Belt Promotion.  This NIP sheet must be signed by the students' school teachers and parents as a verification of their satisfactory progress at school and at home.


As recognition for Academic Achievement, Outstanding Attendance, as well as Self Discipline and Home Practice, students can earn Achievement Patches.  To learn more about these program go to "Uniforms & Patches" under Student Info, or click here.


Written Evaluations

Another powerful way that Kicks USA supports the development of Life Skills includes the Written Evaluation process.  Once a student reaches the intermediate belt levels, 8-10 months into their program, their physical promotions will include written evaluations that focus on specific values and skills such as Goal Setting, Focus, Nutrition and First Aid.  These are simple, yet important questions and/or assignments that help to support our philosophy of Life Skill development and Black Belt Excellence.


A student's progress from White Belt to Black Belt has been identified below.  For more detailed information about the evaluation process and belt promotions see "The Evaluation Process" (topic #10) in the Student Handbook, or click here.


Beginning Belts:


Intermediate Belts:


Advanced Belts:


Candidate and Black Belts:


148 Ray Street Ste B  Pleasanton, CA 94566

Contact us at (925) 426-3787 or e-mail us at mike@kicksusatkd.com


Copyright © 2007  Kicks USA