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  Kicks USA Martial Arts Center Website

  School Etiquette







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School Etiquette


The following is a list of our Kicks USA school etiquette.  Along with general safety, the purpose of our school etiquette is to teach our students the value of focus, respect, and self-control.  By following these guidelines we will create an environment that is safe, comfortable, and disciplined.


Your Uniform

Please always wear a neat and clean uniform.  Why?  We are here to teach our students the value of self-respect, and our uniform represents our state of mind.  A clean uniform shows dignity and discipline, while a dirty one speaks of apathy and laziness.


Your Patches

Please keep your patches neat, new, and sewn in their proper positions.  Wearing a tattered belt may be a sign of maturity in the martial arts, but wearing tattered patches is not.


Personal Hygiene

Please take inventory of your personal presentation.  Because we interact with one another on the training floor, and often work in close proximity to one another, this is an important issue.  For the safety of everyone, please keep your nails neat and trimmed.



Always bring all of your equipment to class.  Never be caught unprepared.


Please Arrive Early

Please arrive to class on time.  Not only does tardiness set a poor example for others but the first 10 minutes of class are designed for warm-up and stretching to prevent injury during class.


No Street Shoes on the Training Floor

Students should not walk on the training floor, nor train with their street shoes.  Why?

1.  Keeping the training floor free from debris.

2.  Practice proper foot position on kicks.


Please Note:  All students are allowed to wear training shoes.  Martial arts training shoes can be purchased through the front desk.


Proper Responses

Students will verbally respond when the instructor gives classroom instructions or directions.  Why?

1.  It let's the instructor know that the students hear and understand the directions.

2.  It creates classroom energy that shows excitement, focus, and discipline.


Proper Sitting

There are two ways to sit, when asked to do so, during class; either with the legs crossed or kneeling.  Why?

1.  Extended legs are a hazard during group exercises.

2.  It is considered disrespectful to point your toes towards someone while seated.


Proper Way To Fix Your Uniform

Always turn away from your instructor, partner, and/or the flags when fixing your uniform.  Why?  It is considered disrespectful to adjust your uniform while facing anyone.


How To Enter The Training Floor

Always bow facing towards the center of the training floor when entering and leaving the training area.  Why?  To show respect to the place where we learn.


Once class has begun, patiently wait at the edge of the training floor until the instructor invites you to enter and join the class.  Why?

1.  To show respect to the instructor.

2.  To avoid being a distraction to the class.

3.  To prevent potential injury if there is a drill or exercise being conducted.


When To Speak

Limited socializing is acceptable during stretching, but not during class.  Why?

1.  To show respect to the instructor and fellow students.

2.  During class our intent is to focus, learn, and train towards Black Belt.



Jewelry should not be worn during class.  Why?  They are a safety hazard to everyone.


Properly Addressing Instructors

Always address instructors by their proper teaching titles.  Why?  It shows respect towards not only the instructor, but the position of instructor as well.




148 Ray Street Ste B  Pleasanton, CA 94566

Contact us at (925) 426-3787 or e-mail us at mike@kicksusatkd.com


Copyright © 2007  Kicks USA