
  Welcome to

  Kicks USA Martial Arts Center Website

  Student Handbook







Student Info







Student Handbook


Table of Contents

  1. Welcome To Kicks USA
  2. Goals and Goal Setting
  3. General Safety Guidelines
  4. School Uniform & Patches
  5. Student & Parent Responsibilities
  6. Attendance Cards & Make Up Classes
  7. Accelerated Results Program
  8. Guest Policy
  9. Martial Arts Demonstrations
  10. The Evaluation Process
  11. The Black Belt Club

Welcome To Kicks USA

Dear Student,


Welcome to Kicks USA Martial Arts Center. With over 20 years of experience behind us, you can be sure you have chosen the best school in the area. We are dedicated to making your martial arts experience both rewarding and enjoyable.


Our instructors are hand chosen not only for their skill, but for their ability to effectively communicate their knowledge and understanding to students of all ages. Through special leadership classes they are continually refining and furthering their education to give you the best quality of service possible.

Although our principles of teaching are grounded in centuries of martial arts tradition we are not static. We are continually looking for new and innovative ways to motivate and excite our students about the many benefits found within the martial arts.


Our carefully structured programs go far beyond merely kicking, punching and blocking. While learning effective self defense skills, our students are benefiting from a complete and comprehensive personal development program. We are committed to teaching family values and the necessary life skills required in developing positive self esteem and confidence.


Kicks USA is also active within our community. We offer events like food drives to help the needy as well as special women's self defense classes and safety awareness classes at local health clubs, businesses and schools.


This handbook is designed to allow you the opportunity to take the fullest advantage from our extensive programs. Please keep it handy for future reference.


The well being of our students is always at the forefront of our minds. Should you ever have any questions or concerns about your program or your classes our instructors are always willing to discuss them with you.


Once again, welcome to our Kicks USA Family. We are proud to have YOU with us.



Kicks USA Team

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Goals and Goal Setting

Setting goals is one of the most important things you can do to achieve any kind of success. Goal setting is the first step you must take to move towards becoming a Kicks USA Black Belt. As an new member, your first short term goal is to earn your Orange Belt. With regular attendance, that goal can be accomplished in approximately 2 months. Your long term goal is to become eligible for membership in our Black Belt Club. For more information on the BBC see page 10 of this handbook. Use the outline below to identify and set dates on when you expect to achieve each of your future belts.


Affiliate Member


# of Classes/ Months Target Date
White Belt Introductory Program  
Orange Belt 14 classes/ 2 months  
Orange Advanced 14 classes / 2 months  
Gold Belt 14 classes / 2 months  
Gold Advanced 14 classes / 2 months  
Green Belt 14 classes/ 2 months  


Black Belt Club Member


# of Classes/ Months Target Date
Green Advanced 21 classes / 3 months  
Purple Belt 21 classes / 3 months  
Purple Advanced 21 classes / 3 months  
Blue Belt 21 classes / 3 months  
Blue Advanced 21 classes / 3 months  
Brown Belt 21 classes / 3 months  
Brown Advanced 21 classes / 3 months  
Red Belt 21 classes / 3 months  
Red Advanced 21 classes / 3 months  
Red/Black Belt 14 classes / 2 months  
Black Belt N/A  


The Goals & Review Conference

At select times during your training you will be asked to set up a Goals and Review Conference with our Chief Instructor. This conference, much like a Parent/ Teacher Meeting, is designed to review your progress towards the Black Belt and discuss any questions and concerns you may have about your training. Conferences with minors (any student under the age of 18) will also cover academic achievement, home responsibilities, and home attitude. Parents will be asked to bring a copy of their child’s most recent report card to the conference.

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General Safety Guidelines

Classroom Safety

The safety of our students and the way our classes are conducted are vitally important to us. You can expect to see a qualified instructor carefully monitoring every class. If you ever see anything that raises any questions or concerns regarding safety in the classroom immediately bring it to our attention.


Safety & Sparring Equipment

Sparring drills are a vital part of our program. When promotion to Orange Advanced and subsequent ranks occurs, students are required to purchase Kicks USA certified safety equipment. Whenever safety equipment is purchased, each student should personalize their equipment by printing their name on each piece with a marker. All safety equipment must be worn by every student when directed to do so by the instructor.


The following is a list of the required equipment at each rank:

Orange Advanced Safety Hands and Forearm Guards
Gold Belt Safety Feet and Shin-Instep Guards
Gold Advanced Head Gear and Mouthpiece
Green Belt Chest Guard and Groin Protector


All sparring drills are strictly monitored for safety and adherence to the following rules:

Head/Neck: No Contact
Below Belt: No Contact
Back: No Contact
Upper Torso: Light Contact
Arms: Light Contact
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School Uniform & Patches


Your authorized Kicks USA uniform must be worn by each student to every class. When laundering your uniform, use only non-chlorine bleach. The use of chlorine bleach will reduce its life span. It is customary not to wash the belt. The aging of the belt is representative of the knowledge you have gained. At first belt tying can be a challenging endeavor, when you attend your first class one of our Leadership Team Members will show you how to tie your belt. Please be aware of personal hygiene and keep your uniform clean at all times.


School Patches

When you enrolled you received two school patches: the Kicks USA Patch and the American Flag. Please have these on your uniform prior to attending your first class. When you qualify to wear special achievement patches please follow the diagram outlined under "Uniform & Patches" or click here.

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Student & Parent Responsibilities


School Etiquette

Respect is one of those qualities that tells everyone everything about you before you even say a word. It is evident in the way you treat and care for yourself, others, and the environment. Respect is a foundational quality of our school. The following is a list of school etiquette that all students and parents are asked to maintain at all times. Adherence to these rules allows us to maintain an environment where we can continue to teach respect and discipline.  For a more complete list click here.

  • Please do not train with jewelry.

  • Please do not wear street shoes on the training mat.

  • Please refer to all instructors by their teaching titles.

  • Please arrive ten minutes early for your scheduled class.

  • Please put all shoes and equipment neatly away during class.

  • If you arrive late to class, please wait at the entrance of the training floor for the instructor to invite you into class.

  • Please bring all training equipment to all classes.

The Parents Role

The parents role is extremely important to us and to the growth of your child. At Kicks USA we will do all we can to reinforce the same values and life principles that you teach your children at home. You can help us help your child in three ways:


1. Be their best cheerleader. Be actively supportive of your child's participation by regularly watching their progress in class and attending extracurricular activities when we have them.


2. Encourage their progress. Reward effort and achievement with support and praise. You must lead them by example by showing enthusiasm whenever they succeed, no matter how small the endeavor. In the end, all grand achievements are nothing but a series of small successes.


3. Apply the lessons they learn here at home. Use positive motivation with your child at home by applying the lessons learned in the classroom as leverage. Ask them if their conduct is becoming of a Black Belt, or ask them, "would a Black Belt’s room look this messy?".


4. Communicate challenges with us. When conduct challenges occur, arrange for a meeting with your child’s instructor. If possible, avoid using negative motivation such as, "if you don’t behave you won’t go to class today." This is self defeating because ours is a long term program that not only supports you as parents in rearing your children to become more responsible, respectful, and disciplined, but it is also a system for teaching the value of commitment and goal setting.

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Attendance Cards & Make-Up Classes


When you enroll for classes you will be issued an attendance card. This card will identify how many classes you currently have and how many classes you need before you are eligible to promote to the next belt level. These cards can be found at the Student Manager’s desk in two boxes labeled "First Class" and "Second Class".

The first time you train each week, your card will be filed alphabetically in the "First Class" box. For your second class that week your card will be in the "Second Class" box. Before class begins, remove your card from the card file and place it in the Attendance Card Tray on the Student Manager’s counter top. Your attendance in class will be entered into the computer, and your card will be stamped and returned to the card file. New cards will be issued after each rank promotion.


Make Up Classes

Should you miss your class for any reason, Make Up Classes are available every Friday.

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Accelerated Results Program


Our Accelerated Results Program, consisting of private lessons, are available for the student who seeks more personalized and accelerated training. Private lessons can be scheduled at any time, based upon our instructor’s availability and each lesson is worth two class credits towards the student’s next Rank Promotion. Further details are available from our Student Manager.


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Guest Policy


At Kicks USA we are always delighted to meet your friends and relatives. We regularly host "Buddy Days" in which students can bring a friend to their class. See the Student Calendar located at the entrance of the school for the next Buddy Day. Special gift certificates are also available from our Student Manager.


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Martial Arts Demonstrations


We offer free community martial arts demonstrations. Our Demonstration Teams purpose is to entertain and educate our community regarding the many benefits of martial arts training. We have performed at the Alameda County Fair, Downtown Wednesday Night Street Fairs, many of our local Middle School and High School rallies and multi-cultural day events, corporations, and private events such as Boy Scout Award Nights. If you or someone you know is looking for quality entertainment with a positive message contact our Student Manager today.


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The Evaluation Process


When you first enter Kicks USA you will notice that the students are wearing different colored belts. As a part of martial arts tradition, different colors represent levels of achievement and skill.


Everyone begins at the White Belt. Within a few weeks you will learn many basic self-defense techniques. Each month, all eligible students will participate in a "Tip" Evaluation. When all required tips are earned, students are formally tested on their skills. If they pass, they are promoted to the next rank level. If their skills still need improvement, they will be asked to re-evaluate the following month. The subsequent guidelines will describe our evaluation cycle.


Blue and Red Tip Evaluation Cycles

"Tips" are the colored stripes seen on students belts. These tips represent the number of evaluations the students have passed on their way to their next belt level. For each belt level there is a specific number of Blue Tips a student must earn before they can be evaluated for their Red Rip.


Blue Tip Evaluations

The student’s curriculum is broken down to accommodate the achievement of either one Blue Tip (beginning students) or two Blue Tips (intermediate and advanced students). The Blue Tip evaluation is an informal "accountability check" to determine what curriculum the student has been exposed to relative to what they are responsible for. During the Blue Tip evaluation, the instructor will give the student suggestions on what they should focus on before their Red Tip evaluation.


All Blue Tip evaluations happen in class Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the fourth week of the month during their regular class time. There are no make-ups for Blue Tip evaluations. To be eligible for a Blue Tip evaluation, a student must train at least 7 times during the evaluation month.


On the back of the student Attendance Cards are curriculum lists for different belt ranks. When a student is eligible for their Blue Tip they will bring their Attendance Card onto the training floor for the instructor to collect at the beginning of class. The instructor will then use the card for the evaluation and return it to the Student Manager after class. All Blue Tips are issued by the instructors either during class or immediately after class.


Red Tip Evaluations

The Red Tip evaluation is the "Pre-Evaluation". It is a formal, semi-private evaluation where the student will perform and be graded on their required curriculum. Red Tipping occurs after the required Blue Tips have been earned and acts to ensure that students are ready for the actual belt exam, the Rank Evaluation Day. Red tipping is conducted Wednesday and Thursday of the third week. Sign up sheets are available at the entrance of the school during the second week of each month.


Make-ups are only available for excused absence with advanced notice, not poor execution.


Blue and Red Tip Requirements for Each Belt Level

Beginning (White Belt - Gold Advanced): One Blue Tip & One Red Tip
Intermediate (Green Belt - Blue Belt):  Two Blue Tips & One Red Tip
Advanced (Blue Advanced - Red/Black Belt):  Two Blue Tips & One Red Tip


Rank Evaluation Requirements

Prior to the Red Tip evaluation students will receive a notice of eligibility for Rank Evaluation. This letter includes a list of responsibilities for each student to complete prior to their Rank Evaluation. The list includes the following responsibilities:


1.  Have your parents and teachers fill out your Notice of Intent to Promote (NIP)

The NIP form allows us to monitor our student’s behavior at home and their level of achievement at school. It is mailed out with the Evaluation Notice and is to be signed by the student’s primary teacher and parents. This is required for all students ages 6 through 17, and must be returned to the office prior to their Red Tip Evaluation. Should their behavior at school or home fall below our expectations, Rank Evaluation will be postponed until a later date when the issues in question have been resolved.


2.  Complete your Life Skills/ Written Evaluation

The Life Skills/ Written Evaluation allows us to evaluate the student’s understanding of the basic Life Skills and Martial Arts concepts taught in class. As the students progress through the ranks these evaluations become more challenging and of greater importance to their advancement in rank. These forms are mailed to the student along with the NIP.


3.  Submit your evaluation fee to the office.

Accompanying each rank evaluation is an evaluation fee to cover the cost for the instructor’s time during the Blue Tip, Red Tip, and Rank Evaluations, the new belt, and Rank Certification.


4.  Order/Purchase Equipment for your next rank.

See the "Safety Equipment" section of this handbook for details.


5.  Check school calendar for the date and time of the next Rank Evaluation Day.

Rank Evaluations will always occur on the last Friday of each month unless otherwise noted. Changes could occur due to holidays.


The Rank Evaluation Day

The Rank Evaluation Day is the students’ final evaluation. It is a time where parents and friends are invited to celebrate the students’ achievement. Passing students are awarded belts and certificates at the conclusion of the evaluation.


Make-ups are only available for excused absences, not poor execution, and are available on the Friday following the Rank Evaluation Day.


Make-up Rank Evaluation

Red Tip and Rank Evaluation make-ups are given only in extraordinary cases of absence (work, vacation and illness) and only then if the instructor feels it is the best choice versus an extra four weeks of practice. Blue tipping cannot be made up except in the most extraordinary of circumstances.


Red Tip and Evaluation Rating System

The following are the standards used by our instructors when scoring a student during a Red Tip evaluation, and on Rank Evaluation Day.


Scoring Standards

10 - Superior Far more than is expected at current belt level.

9 - Very Good Above average for current belt level.

8 - Good On track for current belt level.

7 - Needs Practice Correct Fundamentals - Need more repetitious practice.

6 - Unacceptable Student is not familiar with the required technique.

In our rating system, scores of 8 - 10 are passing scores. Should a student receive one 7, they can pass the evaluation with a free mini private lesson provided by our instructors. Should a student receive more than one 7 or at least one 6, the instructor shall decide whether mini privates will be sufficient, or if four more weeks of training would be more beneficial.


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The Black Belt Club


The Black Belt Club is comprised of students committed to the goal of Black Belt. By the rank of Green Belt a student should have made the commitment to Black Belt and join the Black Belt Club. Over 80% of our students are BBC members or BBC Graduates.


Who can qualify for the Black Belt Club?

To qualify a student must be a Gold-Advanced or above and must first be recommended by their instructor for membership.


How do I get recommended?

To qualify for advanced training beyond your Affiliate Membership, you must:

1. Have set a goal of Black Belt.

2. Have regular belt exam participation.

3. Super attitude in the martial arts classroom, school/work and at home.

4. Demonstrate the qualities of Black Belt Excellence in and out of the school.

5. Have a high level of enthusiasm for martial arts class.

6. For students still in grade school, a good report card on conduct and attitude from parents and teachers.

7. Support school functions.

8. Have good attendance and eagerness to make up absences.

9. Be current with tuition payments.

10. Have full support of family.


What are the benefits of the Black Belt Club?

Kicks USA is a Black Belt School. When a student makes the commitment to Black Belt Club they are past the trial stage. They become part of our school with the following privileges:

  • Exclusive Black Belt Club uniform

  • Black Belt Club patch

  • Extra training in our weekly Black Belt Club only workouts

  • Black Belt Certificate posted in the school

  • Discounts on special events

  • Participation in our exclusive Kicks USA Life Skills Program

  • Opportunity to participate in the Leadership Program

  • Opportunity to participate on the Demonstration Team

  • How do I join?

    Upon earning your Gold Belt, you enter the Black Belt Update phase of your training. Your instructors will conduct a series of evaluations and tests to determine if you qualify for advanced training in the Black Belt Club. If you qualify, you will be invited to join the Black Belt Club during your Gold Advanced Goals and Review Conference.


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    148 Ray Street Ste B  Pleasanton, CA 94566

    Contact us at (925) 426-3787 or e-mail us at mike@kicksusatkd.com


    Copyright © 2007  Kicks USA